Delta Pens
Delta Pens

Pen for Peace

The UPC (Unione for Christian Onlus promotion), coordinates and manages all that is necessary for the development of the "Initiative for Peace in the World, Charity and Social Works" project.

With this purpose, UPC entrusted the Delta Company, represented by Cav. Nino Marino, president and CEO, to produce a unique fountain pen to be given to the Holy Father Benedetto XVI during the 25th anniversary of The Apostolic Constitution "Spirituali Militum Curae" (1986 – 2011) event.

Delta joined the UPC project and produced this unique piece. It was designed and created by Delta's expert engineer, Cav. Ciro Matrone, with the help of Delta's most experienced skillful artisans.

The fountain pen is in solid gold enclosed with special enamel from Florence, from which the word "Peace" in various languages emerges. The pen is further enriched with 105 diamonds of brilliant cut.

This pen is offered in a special box with unique and personalized graphics designed by Mr. Luigi Muscente, a Delta partner. The box was made with the utmost attention to detail and is covered with rich white lamb skin enriched with gold.
