Marlen draws a collection of writing instruments: Aureus, which over 2000 years ago had reached an epical importance, as the Euro has become today.Aureus or officially called Danarius Aureus was initially hardlu used during the republic era, and it was not until Caesar's famous reign, as confirmned by noted historians, that it became immortalized as the "de bello civili".
Aureus Fountain Pen Bronze, 14kt Nib Fine - M02107-F | $1,700.00
Aureus Fountain Pen Bronze, 14kt Nib Medium - M02107-M | $1,700.00
Aureus Fountain Pen Bronze, 14kt Nib Broad - M02107-B | $1,700.00
Aureus Fountain Pen Silver, 14kt Nib Fine - M02108-F | $1,700.00
Aureus Fountain Pen Silver, 14kt Nib Medium - M02108-M | $1,700.00
Aureus Fountain Pen Silver, 14kt Nib Broad - M02108-B | $1,700.00